Center for Research and Promotion of Ancestral Culture

History and background of the Council of spiritual guides Releb'aal Saq'e

This organization is located in the southern area of Petén, in the Barrio los Pinos zone 9 of Poptún, which was founded on February twenty-seventh of the year two thousand and six, by 59 members, within these, there are spiritual guides, Mayan doctors , midwives and people who respect and value the Mayan worldview, all the partners are located in the different municipalities of the department of Petén.
After the foundation, the purchase of a property was achieved for the use of the different activities from the Mayan cosmovision and other activities for the use of the population in general, which is located in the aforementioned place.
Through the economic contributions of the active partners, in 2018 it was possible to build a headquarters in which the different coordination of activities are carried out and also as a training center.
Its nature is a private, non-profit, non-partisan, cultural association, it is registered as exempt from paying taxes.
The purposes of the Association are:
Strengthen Mayan spirituality
Revaluation of the Mayan culture
Training of spiritual guides
Teaching of the Mayan culture in childhood and youth
Promotion of indigenous music
Revaluation of the practice and use of natural medicine
rescue and strengthen women's practice and knowledge of weaving and embroidery
Rescue the practices of crafts and ceramics
Protection of holy places
Promotion of citizen participation from the Mayan culture
Protection of flora and fauna
Rescue of the Mayan language and costume
Promotion of gender equity
The promotion of the participation of indigenous women in different social and cultural spheres .